External Reporting Technical Lead
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 81379
External Reporting Officer
+4411732 87678
Student Data and Systems Technical Lead (External Reporting)
+4411732 87361
External Reporting Officer
Academic Services
+4411732 84236
Student Data and Systems Manager (External Reporting)
+4411732 82190
Technical Lead (Student Journey)
Student Data and Systems
+4411732 82744
Technical Lead (Student Journey)
+44117 965 6261
SDS Technical Lead (Future Students)
+4411732 84721
SDS Technical Lead (Future Students)
+4411732 81554
Head of Student Data and Systems
External Examiner
+44117 965 6261
Live and Digital Performance Technical Team Leader
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+4411732 82044
Data and Systems Technical Lead (FECS)
Facilities - Technologies; ITS - IT Operations
Student Data & Systems Technical Lead (Student Allocator)
+4411732 83450
Senior (Lead) Technical Instructor - Audio Post Production
+4411732 84605
Student Data and Systems Technical Lead (Graduation)
Student Data and Systems Technical Lead (CETTS)
Facilities - Timetabling and Examinations (CETTS)
+4411732 86298
Student Data & Systems Technical Lead (Apprenticeships)
+4411732 82252
External Examiner
+44117 965 6261
Data and Systems Technical Lead (FECS)
Facilities - Technologies
Student Data and Systems Technical Lead (Engagement)
+4411732 86655
External Relations Administrator
+4411732 86544
Student Data and Systems Technical Lead (Alumni)
+4411732 84301
External Relations Administrator
+4411732 84405
External Relations Administrator
+4411732 86482
Senior Lecturer : Adult Nursing
HAS - Nursing and Midwifery
+4411732 88939
External Relations Project Development Manager
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 81288
Head of External Engagement & CPD
+4411732 87983
Director, Student Administration
Technical Team Leader - Molecular Biology/ Co-lead WP for SOAS
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
Student Data and Systems Technical Lead (Student Journey)
+4411732 86285
Student Data and Systems Technical Lead (Casework & Support)
Student Data and Systems
+4411732 88230
Technical Manager – CATE Technical Infrastructure
+4411732 85852
External Relations Project Team Leader
Library Services
+4411732 86236
Student Data and Systems Technical Lead (Future Students)
Academic Services - Student Administration
+4411732 82883
Student Data and Systems Technical Lead (Curriculum Management)
+4411732 85485
Programme Lead: Diagnostic Radiography Degree Apprenticeship. Senior Lecturer in Diagnostic Imaging
College of Health, Science and Society
Student Data and Systems Technical Lead (Management Information)
Student Administration Services; Student Data and Systems
Student Data & Systems Technical Lead (Points Based System)
+4411732 82598
Technical Manager
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 88522
Technical Manager
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 81338
Technical Instructor
+44117 965 6261
Technical Instructor
School of Arts; College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+44117 965 6261
Technical Instructor
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 84005
Technical Educator
HAS - Technical Resources
+4411732 84034
Technical Instructor
+4411732 87670
Technical Facilitator
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 81488
Technical Educator
+4411732 82116
Senior Textileas Print Technical Demonstrator
ACE - Technical Resources
Technical Instructor
ACE - Creative and Cultural Industries
+4411732 82916
`Technical Instructor
+44117 965 6261
Technical Demonstrator
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+44117 965 6261
Environmental Management Lead
+4411732 86183
Workforce Development Portfolio Lead
+4411732 82094
Programme Lead Sport Rehabilitation
HAS - Allied Health Professions
Technical Director
HAS - Executive
Technical Instructor
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 84708
Technical Instructor
ACE - Art and Design
+44117 965 6261
Technical Facilitator
+44117 965 6261
"Senior Lecturer
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+4411732 81281
Creative Agency Lead
School of Arts
+4411732 86842
Timetabling Team Lead - FBL
+4411732 82355
Senior Lecturer in Journalism.
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 87863
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer
FBL - Law
+4411732 82215
Programme lead - Children's Nursing
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 88452
Senior Techcnical Instructor
ACE - Technical Resources
+44117 965 6261
Technical Manager ACE Specialist Systems Support
ACE - Technical Resources
+4411732 87852
Senior Lecturer - Accounting and Finance
FBL - Accounting, Economics and Finance
Director of Learning and Teaching - BristolBusinessSchool
Bristol Business School
+4411732 83912
Professor of Accounting
College of Business and Law
Senior Technical Instructor : Digital Design Studios
ACE - Technical Resources
Technical Instructor : Large Format Printer
ACE - Technical Resources
+4411732 84789
Programme Lead - BSc Paramedic Science
HAS - Allied Health Professions
+4411732 86903
External Relations Projects and Events Co-ordinator
+4411732 85530
Assistant Director of Research & External Engagement (Skills)
Manufacturing Technician
FET - Technical Resources
+4411732 81556
Director of Learning and Teaching
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 87509
Senior Lecturer : Diagnostic Imaging
HAS - Allied Health Professions
+4411732 88417
Senior Technical Instructor-Journalism
+4411732 84604
Deputy Technical Manager (research)
HAS - Applied Sciences
Director of Technical CATE
+4411732 85855
Senior Technical Instructor
ACE - Creative and Cultural Industries; ACE - Technical Resources
+4411732 85871
BRL Technical Manager BRL
+4411732 86337
Senior Technical Instructor
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 84004
Senior Technical Instructor
+4411732 85883
Lead Mechanical Engineer
Facilities - Estates Operations
Admissions Lead / Senior Lecturer
HAS - Allied Health Professions
+4411732 88950
Workforce Development Portfolio Lead
+4411732 84268
Digital Assessment Lead
+4411732 81785
UX Design Lead
+4411732 81545
Senior Lecturer in Sustainable IT
College of Arts, Technology and Environment; School of Computing and Creative Technologies
Associate Professor in Law - School of Law
FBL - Law
+4411732 84617
Project Room Technical Support
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 83003
Technical Educator/Research Associate
Senior Technical Instructor
ACE - Art and Design
+44117 965 6261
Technical Facilitator team leader
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
Senior Lecturer in Accounting & Finance
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
+4411732 87246
Senior Technical Instructor
ACE - Creative and Cultural Industries
+4411732 84025
Deputy Technical Manager (Teaching)
Senior Technical Instructor
ACE - Art and Design
Technical Team Leader - Fabrication
ACE - Art and Design
+44117 965 6261
Senior Technical Instructor - Photography
ACE - Art and Design
Hourly Technical Instructor
+44117 965 6261
Technical Educator - Forensic Science
HAS - Applied Sciences
Technical Instructor : Fabrication
+4411732 84004
Digital Design Technical Instructor
+4411732 81032
Technical Instructor - Cyber Programming
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+44117 965 6261
Digital Design Technical Instructor
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 82219
Senior Lecturer - Product Design Engineering
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+4411732 82992
Senior Research Fellow
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
Senior Technical Specialist
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
Senior Technical Instructor - Psychology
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 83253
Senior Technical Instructor - Drama
+4411732 84565
CSCT Technical Team Leader
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 81345
Senior Technical Instructor
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+4411732 84920
Technical Team Leader - FACS
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 82488
Moving Image Technical Instructor
+44117 965 6261
Technical Instructor : Digital Fabrication
+44117 965 6261
Central Loans Technical Facilitator
+4411732 81448
Technical Instructor - Computer Science
FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
+4411732 82111
Acting Professional Community Lead 2
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 88694
Digital Capablility& Future Skills Lead
+4411732 86307
Programme Lead - BA Team Entrepreneurship
+4411732 81296
Business Innovation & Skills Development Manager
Research, Business and Innovation (RBI)
+4411732 81660
Senior Lecturer in Media Production & Programme Leader - BA Media Production
School of Arts
+4411732 81381
Senior Technical Instructor : Wood Centre
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+4411732 84004
Senior Business Intelligence Analyst
Finance - Business Intelligence
School of Arts Technical Manager
College of Arts, Technology and Environment; Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
Technical Team Leader - Environmental Science
+4411732 81767
Central Loans Team Leader
ACE - Technical Resources
+4411732 85428
Project Manager
HAS - Technical Resources
+4411732 82493
Electronics Technician
FET - Technical Resources
Senior Technical Instructor - Digital Engineering Technologies
FET - Technical Resources
+4411732 81648
Professional Lead/Senior Lecturer - Adult Nursing
HAS - Nursing and Midwifery
+4411732 88816
Co-Programme Lead Occupational Therapy Degree Apprenticeship
+4411732 81217
Deputy Director and Research Manager Centre for Print Research
ACE - Art and Design
+4411732 85843
Engineering Materials Science Technical Instructor
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+4411732 87415
Programme Lead - MSc Physician Associate Studies
HAS - Allied Health Professions
+4411732 87145
Co-Programme Lead MSc Physician Associate Studies
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+44117 965 6261
Apprenticeship Progress Training Co-ordinator (Research and External Engagement)
Technical Manager: Learning Support Team
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
Senior Lecturer in Food Systems
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
Assistant Director of Research and External Engagement - Business
RBI - Research and Business Development
Senior Technical Instructor: Physical Fabrication
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+4411732 84004
Senior Technical Instructor: Digital Embroidery
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 84742
Co programme lead MSc Medical Ultrasound
HAS - Allied Health Professions
+4411732 88789
Senior Lecturer & Professional Lead - Mental Health Nursing
+4411732 87935
Co-Programme Lead, MSc Physician Associate Studies
Assitant Support Lecturer in Human Resource Management
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer, Programme Communications Lead, Year 3 Lead, Placement Co-ordinator Sports Rehabilitation
HAS - Allied Health Professions
School Director- Academic
College of Arts, Technology and Environment; School of Engineering
+4411732 81375
Optometry Programme Lead and Senior Lecturer
HAS - Allied Health Professions
+4411732 82169
Associate Professor of Ecosystem Services
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer in Project Management
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 81899
Senior Lecturer - Anatomy and Physiology Programme Leader for BSc (hons) Biomedical Science
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 87155
Technical Team Leader, Electronics and Mechatronics
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
Senior Lecturer and Programme Lead - Music Therapy
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
Module lead Criminal Advocacy, Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
Programme Lead Business Management and Marketing
Technical Instructor - GIS and Remote Sensing
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 81684
Senior Lecturer, Programme Lead, M.Sc. HealthPsychology
School of Social Sciences
+44117 965 6261
Senior Technical Instructor : Digital Design Studios
College of Arts, Technology and Environment; School of Arts
Senior Technical Instructor : Film Making & Documentary
ACE - Creative and Cultural Industries
+4411732 84818
Area Coordinator & Senior Technical Instructor - StitchSewing
+4411732 84742
BIM / CAD & Immersive Technologies Technical Instructor
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 86618
Technical Resource Manager - Make/Physical Making
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 84727
Laser Cutting and 3D Printing Technical Demonstrator
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 81136
Technical Instructor - GIS and Remote Sensing
+44117 965 6261
Programme Leader MSc Risk Management and Insurance and Senior Lecturer - Risk Management and Insurance - Bristol Business School
College of Business and Law
+4411732 81532
Senior Lecturer - Building Services Engineering Management
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
Technical Instructor : Digital Fabrication and Fabrication
ACE - Art and Design
+4411732 84005
Senior Technical Instructor - Cinematography and Post-production
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+44117 965 6261
Senior Technical Instructor for Live & Digital Performance
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
Senior Technical Instructor for Live & Digitial Performance
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
Visiting Professor
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 88860
Senior Lecturer & Professional Lead for Learning Disability Nursing
+4411732 83263
Professional Community Lead - School of Health and Social Wellbeing
+4411732 87219
Doctoral Academy Manager (Delivery)
Research, Business and Innovation (RBI)
Senior Lecturer Advanced Practice & Strategic Lead Advanced Practice
HAS - Nursing and Midwifery
+4411732 88827
Programme Lead BSc Audio & Music Technology / BSc Creative Music Technology
FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
+4411732 87105
Senior Lecturer - Diagnostic Imaging
College of Health, Science and Society
Associate Head of School - Subject Lead for Healthcare Science
School of Applied Sciences
+4411732 82491
Senior Lecturer (Research) & NIHR/HEE ICA Mentorship Scheme Lead
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+44117 965 6261
Programme Lead and Senior Lecturer Radiotherapy and Oncology
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 84291
Senior Lecturer in Creative Industries
ACE - Creative and Cultural Industries; ACE - Film and Journalism
+4411732 82070
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer in Fiction Filmmaking
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 81903
Senior Lecturer in Systems Engineering
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics; School of Engineering
Associate Professor
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+4411732 83096
Deputy Programme Leader (Automotive Engineering)
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+4411732 81839
Programme Leader MA Printmaking / Associate Professor CFPR
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
Professional Lead Future Nurse BSc Nursing (Adult) Programme
HAS - Nursing and Midwifery
+4411732 88513
Programme Lead and Senior Lecturer in Public Health
HAS - Applied Sciences
Program lead- UG Primary education and Senior Lecturer
School of Education and Childhood
Pre H.E Careers Consultant
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 87435
Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Finance
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
+4411732 87286
Senior Technical Instructor (Digital Design Studios & Digital Fabrication)
School of Arts
Senior Technical Instructor - Animation (Stop Motion/Lens based production
+4411732 82745
Associate Director (Design Communication)
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 86894
Business Improvement Manager
SPS - Strategy and Planning
+4411732 82788
Director - Learning and Teaching
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 82470
Senior Business Intelligence Analyst
Finance - Business Intelligence
+4411732 81558
Assistant Director of People (Culture & Change)
Human Resources and Organisational Development (HROD); HROD - Organisational Design and Development
+4411732 87209
Associate Professor of Health and Counselling Psychology
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 83109
Associate Professor/ Enterprise Champion
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
+4411732 83129
Professor of City Futures
ACE - Art and Design
+4411732 81226
Senior Lecturer in Building Physics and Sustainability, Wallscourt Fellow in Sustainable Buildings.
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
Senior Laboratory Technician
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 82860
Professor of Emergency Care
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 88906
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+44117 965 6261
Professor of Employment Relations
FBL - Law
+4411732 83477
Dean & Head of School of Engineering
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+4411732 87113
Professor in Biomedical Science
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 83552
Director of Research and Enterprise. Professor of Air Quality & Carbon Management
School of Architecture and Environment
+4411732 83825
Senior Lecturer in Architecture - BSc (Hons) Architecture Programme Leader
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
Business Process Analyst
Strategic Programmes Office
+44 (0)117 32 84869
Programme Lead and Senior Lecturer - Applied Criminal Justice Top-Up Degree
College of Health, Science and Society; HAS - Applied Sciences
Senior Lecturer in Foundation and Academic Lead in Digital Learning ACE and CCI
ACE - Film and Journalism
+4411732 84813
Programme Lead of BEng/MEng Mechatronics Engineering and Senior Lecturer in Robotics
+4411732 83186
Programme Leader-MSc Health Technology, International Partnership Lead (SAS), Senior Lecturer
HAS - Applied Sciences
Emeritus Professor of Accounting
FBL - Accounting, Economics and Finance
+4411732 83419
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 87095
Associate Professor in Rheumatology Nursing
HAS - Nursing and Midwifery
Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management
FBL - Business and Management
Associate Professor of Mathematics
FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
+4411732 84248
UWE Lead - Global Partnerships in Social and Cultural Engagement and The Daigo Gambia Project
ACE - Creative and Cultural Industries
+4411732 84751
Senior Lecturer - Psychology and Co-Lead of MSc in Occupational Psychology
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 82182
Associate Professor of British Social History and Associate Director of the Regional History Centre
ACE - Creative and Cultural Industries
Project Manager - Future Quest
Future Students
Emeritus Professor of Transport Engineering
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
+4411732 86367
Professor of Sustainable Construction
School of Architecture and Environment
+4411732 82996
Senior Lecturer in Journalism and PR
ACE - Film and Journalism
+4411732 86753
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 86852
Senior Lecturer in Architecture and Construction Technology
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
Graphic Support / Photography
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 83790
Professor of Criminology
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 82354
Senior Lecturer : Fashion Textiles
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+4411732 84843
Senior Research Fellow - Bristol Robotics Laboratory
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+44117 965 6261
Head of Disability Service
Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
+4411732 84122
Professor in Continence Care
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 86863
Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing
HAS - Nursing and Midwifery
Director of the Centre for Print Research
ACE - Creative and Cultural Industries
+4411732 85806
Lecturer in Integrated Art, Media and Design Foundation and Senior Technical Instructor - Physical Fabrication
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
Senior Lecturer in Psychology
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
Senior Lecturer in Cyber Security and Digital Forensics
FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
+4411732 81546
Senior Lecturer
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
+4411732 86557
Associate Professor in Modern History
College of Arts, Technology and Environment; School of Arts
Lecturer in Forensic Science
HAS - Applied Sciences
+44117 965 6261
Associate Professor and Wallscourt Fellow - Film &Digital Arts
ACE - Film and Journalism
Professor in Human Resource Management
FBL - Law
+4411732 83239
Student Project Co-ordinator
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 87567
Director of Partnerships in Computing and Creative Technologies
FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
Associate Professor: Health Psychology
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
Senior Lecturer in Architecture
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
Senior Lecturer in Criminology
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer Policing
School of Social Sciences
Student and Graduate Talent Co-ordinator (Global Mobility)
Research, Business and Innovation (RBI); Student and Partnership Services (SPS)
Senior lecturer in Simulation
HAS - Health and Social Sciences; HAS - Nursing and Midwifery
Senior Lecturer : Integrated Foundation Fashion/Textiles /Graphic Design
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
Senior Lecturer in Politics
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
Director : Bristol Robotics Laboratory
+4411732 86334
Senior Lecturer : Physical Geography
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
+4411732 82902
Programme Leader for the International Doctorate in Education and Senior Lecturer : Education & Humanities
ACE - Education and Childhood
+44117 965 6261
Associate Head - Department of Health and Social Sciences (Psychology)
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 83794
Wallscourt Associate Professor
School of Applied Sciences
+4411732 86931
Associate Professor - Clinical Research
HAS - Nursing and Midwifery
+4411732 87495
Fluid Simulation Programmer
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+44117 965 6261
Enterprise Architect
ITS - Enterprise Architecture & Strategy
+44117 328 2140
Engagement Team Manager
Senior Techcnical Instructor
ACE - Art and Design
+4411732 81168
Dean and Head of School - Education and Childhood
ACE - Education and Childhood
+4411732 84279
Associate Lecturer
+44117 965 6261
Programme Leader and Senior Lecturer in Project Management
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
+4411732 81285
Associate Professor for Knowledge Exchange in Manufacturing
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
Senior Lecturer
School of Applied Sciences
+4411732 81011
Senior Techcnical Instructor : Knit
ACE - Art and Design
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer Environmental Management
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
+4411732 81725
Senior Lecturer in Construction Project Management
College of Arts, Technology and Environment; School of Architecture and Environment
Senior Lecturer - Cyber Security
FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
Senior lectuer in Accounting and Finance
FBL - Accounting, Economics and Finance
Senior Technicial Instructor - Education/Science
School of Education and Childhood
+4411732 84106
Associate Professor of Cyber Science and Network Security
FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
+4411732 87162
Civic and Community Engagement Team Leader
+4411732 81220
Senior Lecturer in Urban Planning
College of Arts, Technology and Environment; School of Architecture and Environment
Research Development Manager (Net Zero)
Research, Business and Innovation (RBI)
Senior Lecturer
ACE - Film and Journalism
+4411732 85849
Head Hocky Coach
Facilities - Centre for Sport
+4411732 86355
Knowledge Exchange Manager
+4411732 83784
Professor in Safety for Robotics and Autonomous Systems
School of Engineering
Professor of Education and Social Justice
Wallscourt Associate Professor in Digital Manufacturing
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+4411732 87545
Senior Lecturer-Criminology
Visiting Fellow
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
+4411732 81385
Joint programme and Studio Module Leader ATD 2/3
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 84819
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+44117 965 6261
Associate Lecturer and Diversity & Community Projects
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer Radiotherapy and Oncology
HAS - Allied Health Professions
+4411732 84354
Associate Professor in Stroke Rehabilitation
HAS - Allied Health Professions
+4411732 88829
Professor in Science Communication
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 82081
Associate Professor
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 84743
Nature Positive Intern
Facilities - Sustainability, Grounds and Waste
Senior Lecturer Visual Culture
School of Arts
Associate Professor of Counselling Psychology
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
Associate Lecturer in Finance
FBL - Accounting, Economics and Finance
+4411732 87492
Earth Science Laboratory Technician
FET - Geography and Environmental Management
+4411732 83193
Lecturer in Computer Science
FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
+4411732 87685
Senior Techcnical Instructor
+4411732 84004
Professor of Education Policy in Critical Education
ACE - Education and Childhood
Visiting Fellow and Associate Lecturer
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 83057
Emeritus Professor
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
Director - Centre for Research in Sustainable Agri-Food & Environment
HAS - Applied Sciences
Director (Academic)
School of Health and Social Wellbeing
+4411732 88613
Senior Lecturer in Environmental Sciences (Marine)
+4411732 82433
Programme Leader - Drama and Acting
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
Senior Lecturer in Law
FBL - Law
Director of Learning Resources
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 83062
Associate Director: Interdisciplinary Discourse
School of Arts
Phd Research Student
School of Applied Sciences
+44117 965 6261
Professor - Cultural Interdisciplinary Practice
ACE - Film and Journalism
Professor of Leadership and Management
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
+4411732 83617
EDI Projects Coordinator
Senior Lecturer in Engineering Management
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer - Adult Nursing
HAS - Nursing and Midwifery
+4411732 87214
Deputy Vice-Chancellor &Registrar
Vice-Chancellor's Office (VCO)
+4411732 83245
Team Leader-Geosciences
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 86041
Strategic Bid Manager
Research, Business and Innovation (RBI)
Programme Leader Product Design Technology
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 87374
Lecturer in Aerospace Engineering
School of Engineering
Associate Director(Building & Construction Management)
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 81431
Senior Lecturer in Conservation Science
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 83153
Associate Professor Policy and Pactice in Strategy and Innovation
Senior Lecturer in Neurological Physiotherapy.
HAS - Allied Health Professions
+4411732 88806
Associate Director: Geography and Environment
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+4411732 86560
Senior Lecturer - Biomedical Science
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 82336
Lecturer in Biomedical Science
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 86231
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
Senior Lecturer
College of Health, Science and Society
Associate Professor of Physical Activity and Health Promotion
HAS - Allied Health Professions
Assistant Vice Chancellor
+4411732 86969
Senior Digital Learning Designer
Research Fellow
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
Lecturer in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
Associate Professor
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 84412
Associate Professor for Knowledge Exchange and Patient and Public Involvement in Learning and Teaching and Consultant Occupational Therapist/Macmillan Professional
College of Health, Science and Society
+4411732 88202
Senior Lecturer: Marketing
+4411732 83484
Senior Lecturer Performance
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+44117 965 6261
Lecturer in Human Resource Management
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
Vice-Chancellor, President and Chief Executive Officer
Vice-Chancellor's Office (VCO)
+44 (0)117 32 82201
Head of Accommodation Services
Facilities - Accommodation
Lecturer Environmental Management
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
Senior Lecturer - Initial Teacher Education
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 82325
Senior Lecturer in Health Psychology
School of Social Sciences
Senior Lecturer - Adult Nursing
College of Health, Science and Society
University Solicitor
Vice-Chancellor's Office (VCO)
Professor in Computer Simulation and Machine Vision
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+4411732 82009
Computer Science and Programming Instructor
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 81242
Senior Lecturer in Electronic Engineering
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
Lecturer in Civil Engineering
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+44 117 328 1338
Professor in Rheumatology and Psychology
HAS - Nursing and Midwifery
+4411734 27418
Senior Lecturer in Occupational Therapy
School of Health and Social Wellbeing
Senior Lecturer : Sociology and Psycho-Social Studies
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 82954
Associate Professor in Patient and Public Involvement
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 87883
ACE Senior Instructor
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 84149
Senior Lecturer in Fintech
FBL - Accounting, Economics and Finance
+4411732 81651
Senior Lecturer in Architecture and Design
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 83248
Senior Lecturer in European Politics
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 81392
Senior Lecturer in Economics and Finance
FBL - Accounting, Economics and Finance
+4411732 83001
Associate Director (Literature / Linguistics / Creative & Professional Writing)
School of Arts
+4411732 81789
Civil Engineering Technician
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 82079
Professor of Public Health
School of Health and Social Wellbeing
Chief of Staff and Clerk to the Board of Governors / Director of Strategy and Governance
Vice-Chancellor's Office (VCO)
+4411732 83861
Senior Lecturer- Adult Nursing
College of Health, Science and Society
Associate Head of Criminology
HAS - Allied Health Professions
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer Paramedic Science
School of Health and Social Wellbeing
Senior Lecturer
FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
+4411732 87177
Associate Lecturer & Assessor
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 82122
Lecturer in Experimental Structures
School of Engineering
Research Fellow in Cyber Security
School of Computing and Creative Technologies
Professor of Innovation and Technology Management
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
+4411732 83463
Programme Leader and Senior Lecturer in Civil Engineering
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+4411732 85233
Associate Director
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 81677
Associate Professor in Operations Management
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
Associate Director: Partnerships and International
College of Health, Science and Society
+4411732 88859
Visiting Professor
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+4411732 81793
Senior Lecturer in Initial Techer Education
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 82655
Senior Lecturer Children and Young Peoples Nursing
School of Health and Social Wellbeing
+4411732 82665
Associate Director - Audio & Music Technologies
School of Computing and Creative Technologies
KTP Development and Growth Manager
RBI - Research and Business Development; Research, Business and Innovation (RBI)
Professor of Knowledge Mobilisation and Musculoskeletal Health
HAS - Allied Health Professions
+4411732 88801
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 87097
Dean of Learning and Teaching
College of Health, Science and Society
Associate Director - Strategy and Operations (SOM)
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
Senior Lecturer in Education
ACE - Education and Childhood
Senior Lecturer in Microbiology
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 82505
Senior Lecturer in Education
ACE - Education and Childhood
+4411732 84129
Bid Developer & Writer - Science and Health
RBI - Research and Business Development
+4411732 85135
Associate Director - Psychology
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
ACE - Film and Journalism
+4411732 84024
Senior Lecturer
+4411732 85483
Senior Lecturer Media Production
ACE - Creative and Cultural Industries; ACE - Film and Journalism
Lecturer - Art
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
Pro-Vice Chancellor & Head of College
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 81503
Senior Lecturer in Secondary English Education
+4411732 82029
Senior Lecturer in Healthy Urban Environments
Senior Lecturer
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 82161
+44117 965 6261
Programme Leader (MSc Nuclear Medicine)
+4411732 88232
Assistant Vice-Chancellor Creative and Cultural Industries Engagement
+4411732 84240
Senior Research Fellow - Centre for Appearance Research
Senior Lecturer - Creative Technologies
FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
+4411732 87937
Director (Partnerships)
Senior Lecturer Organisation Studies
FBL - Law
+4411732 87624
Director - Partnerships
School of Architecture and Environment
Senior Lecturer in Architecture
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 83177
Deputy Head of School
HAS - Applied Sciences; School of Applied Sciences
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 81873
PVC & Head of the College of Business & Law
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
+4411732 82810
Senior lecturer in Environmental Science
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
Senior Lecturer in Marketing
FBL - Law
+4411732 87960
Senior Lecturer in Organisation Studies
+4411732 81245
Lecturer in Computer Science
FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
Senior Lecturer in Primary Education
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
Professor and College Director of Post-Graduate Research
School of Engineering
Senior Research Fellow: Air Quality Management Resource Centre
School of Architecture and Environment
Associate Head of Department Organisational Studies
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
+4411732 86108
Head of Bidding & Income Development
RBI - Research and Business Development
Senior Lecturer in Criminology
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS); HAS - Health and Social Sciences
Research Fellow in Active Travel and Micromobility
School of Architecture and Environment
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer in Counselling Psychology
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 87009
Deputy Head of College
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
+4411732 83138
Associate Director
School of Engineering
+4411732 83879
Assistant Director Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity
VCO - Directorate
Head of the School of Social Sciences
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 82376
Senior lecturer in Secondary Mathematics Education
ACE - Education and Childhood
+4411732 81798
Professor of Appearance & Health Psychology
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 82192
Senior Lecturer- Sleep Physiology
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 82223
Associate Professor - Dept of Law
FBL - Law
+4411732 82198
Director UG studies BM (OS & HRM)
FBL - Business and Management
+4411732 81657
Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
+4411732 87984
Programme Leader for BSc Geography & Senior Lecturer in Geography and Environmental Management
FET - Geography and Environmental Management; School of Architecture and Environment
Admissions Tutor / Senior Lecturer
HAS - Nursing and Midwifery
+4411732 88442
Senior Lecturer in Public Health
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer in Psychology and Foundation Year Programme Leader (Social Science)
HAS - Executive
Deputy General Counsel
Vice-Chancellor's Office (VCO)
Library Manager (Bower Ashton) and Subject Librarian
Library Services - Learning Services
Associate Professor of Architecture
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 82089
Lecturer in Acting
School of Arts
+4411732 83000
Director - Partnerships
School of Arts
+4411732 84787
Associate Director Media Production and Journalism
College of Arts, Technology and Environment; School of Arts
Lecturer in Mechatronics
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+4411732 82973
Senior Lecturer in Economics
FBL - Accounting, Economics and Finance
Associate Lecturer - Bristol Business School (HRM)
Programme Leader BA Hons Fashion Textiles
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
Senior Lecturer in Real Estate and Property Management
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 87547
Director of Partnerships and International
College of Business and Law
Professor of Architecture
Faculty of Environment and Technology (FET)
+4411732 87164
Associate Director of Digital Media and Games Technology
College of Arts, Technology and Environment; FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
Senior Lecturer - Accounting and Finance
Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
Associate Director: Postgraduate Taught Studies
School of Arts
Senior Lecturer in Strategic and Operations Management
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer in Cognitive Neuroscience
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
+4411732 83117
Associate Director: Design Communication
ACE - Art and Design
Senior Lecturer - MArch Architecture Programme Leader
College of Arts, Technology and Environment; School of Architecture and Environment
+4411732 83110
Senior Lecturer: Research Methods
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 85621
Associate Professor in Conservation Science - Molecular Genetics
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 86934
Associate Professor
FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
+4411732 83957
Resident Optometrist
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 81655
Senior Lecturer in Psychology
School of Social Sciences
People Partner
HROD - HR Advisors
Senior Lecturer - Information and Data Science
FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
+4411732 83353
Senior Lecturer in Qualitative Research Methods
College of Health, Science and Society; HAS - Applied Sciences; School of Social Sciences
Senior Lecturer - Molecular Biology
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 81724
FBL - Accounting, Economics and Finance
+4411732 81319
Senior Lecturer in Engineering Management
School of Engineering
Pro-Vice Chancellor for Health
Senior Lecturer in Law
FBL - Law
+4411732 82511
Senior lecturer in Sustainability (Materials and Hydrogen Technology)
School of Engineering
+44117 965 6261
Associate Professor
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 83496
Academic Director of the UWE Doctoral Academy
ACE - Film and Journalism
+4411732 84322
Head of Innovation and Impact
RBI - Research and Business Development
Senior Lecturer
College of Health, Science and Society; School of Applied Sciences
Senior Lecturer in Education
ACE - Education and Childhood; School of Education and Childhood
Senior Lecturer in Public Health
College of Health, Science and Society
+44117 965 6261
Senior Lecturer
Senior Lecturer in Computer Science
FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
Director for Research and Enterprise, School of Health and Social Well-beingiateProfessor Long Term Conditions
School of Health and Social Wellbeing
Associate Director (Animation and Drama)
College of Arts, Technology and Environment; School of Arts
+4411732 84402
Senior Lecturer in Primary Education
ACE - Education and Childhood
+4411732 86087
Senior Lecturer Forensic Science
HAS - Applied Sciences
+4411732 81573
Digital Learning Manager
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
Lecturer in Applied Ecology
School of Applied Sciences
Associate Director: Integrated Practices. School of Architecture & Environment
School of Architecture and Environment
+4411732 87785
Senior Lecturer in ITE
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
+4411732 81755
Senior Lecturer in Criminology
HAS - Health and Social Sciences
Professor of the Built Environment
FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
+4411732 83915
Associate Professor in Rheumatology
Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
+4411732 81973
Professor of Education
ACE - Education and Childhood
+4411732 84186